Railways in Luxemburg

Railways in Luxemburg

Time-distance graphs

Below you will find time-distance diagrams for the normal hourly repeated situation.
The contents of the diagrams is that of the year 2014.
Extra trains in peak hours are not drawn in the diagrams.
The grey area in the diagrams means that the line is single track.



Line 01: Luxemburg - Diekirch

Line 01: Luxemburg - Gouvy

Line 01: Kautenbach - Wiltz

Line 03: Luxemburg - Trier

Line 05: Luxemburg - Arlon

Line 06: Luxemburg - Esch-sur-Alzette - Rodange - Athus

Line 06: Luxemburg - Esch-sur-Alzette - Audun-le-Tiche

Line 06: Bettembourg - Volmerange-les-Mines

Line 06: Noertzange - Rumelange

Line 07: Luxemburg - Rodange - Athus